Calling All Creatives
We provide a creation hub for creatives to develop sustainable careers in arts, entertainment and technology
We work through the challenges of maintaining a moral, ethical and spiritual lifestyle as a thriving creative: Which companies understand your values? Who can you work with that accepts your views? How do you align your artistry with your beliefs and what the world needs?
We initiate artists developing an identity that allows them to find their audience, genre, sound, style, tone, craft, invention, design, product or artistic interests for the purpose of brand building.
What sets us apart
We provide the highest level of like minded professionals to serve as skills and career mentors, teaching courses in vocal training, instrumentation, engineering, production, choral singing, graphic design, fashion, and S.T.E.A.M.
We provide a tight-knit hub for young artists to talk, collaborate, co-create, practice, and develop entrepreneurial pursuits individually and in teams and partnerships.
Sweetaholic. Headlights Fog. 2015. Pixabay. Web. 1 July 2024
Build A Career
We provide support, tools, and resources for young creatives to obtain paid work opportunities, internships, and entrepreneurial networks. Creative House prepares young creatives to have sustainable careers in their field of interest
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From our Founder: Why I started Creative House for Young Creatives
Fundraising: Building a Creative House
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young creatives in arts, entertainment and technology industries. Our goal is to raise $10,000,000 to construction, design and equip a community Arts Industries Complex that will allow young creatives to thrive.
Creative House for Young Creatives, Inc. would like to kick off our fundraising for this project at the 1st Anniversary Memorial of Cargell Holness, the inspiration behind this non-profit organization.